Donations of $100 or more will get a Special Edition DVD set and Film Credit for their support.
Distribution of this series will create important ongoing financial support for the Ancestral Health Society's non-profit foundation and educational mission via direct financial contributions from all DVD sales.
The four-part series features the world’s leading scientists and advocates in human evolutionary nutrition, including:
- Dr. Loren Cordain (author of The Paleo Diet, Colorado State University)
- Dr. Michael Richards (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany -Department of Human Evolution)
- Dr. Jay Wortman (Inuit Diet research, Canada)
- Dr. Steve Phinney (Professor Emeritus of Medicine, UC Davis)
- Gary Taubes (New York Times science writer and author of Good Calories, Bad Calories)
- Dr. Michael R. Eades (author of Protein Power)
- Barry Sears Ph.D. (author of The Zone)
- Dr. Leslie C. Aiello (President, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, New York)
- Robb Wolf (Research bio-chemist, author of The Paleolithic Solution)
- Professor Richard D. Feinman, PhD (Downstate Medical Center (SUNY) in New York)
- Professor Craig Stanford (Chair, Department of Anthropology, USC)
- Dr. Lane Sebring (Sebring Clinic, Wimberley, TX)
- Eric Schlosser (author of Fast Food Nation)
- And many more…
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